Los 2758

Los 2758
Los 2758 (2)Los 2758 (3)Los 2758 (4)Los 2758 (5)
The private collection of American and Russian space related material of Nelly de Haas-Turk. Known at NASA as the 'constant letter writer, Nelly was in quick to make sure she corresponded with every astronaut, particularly with the astronauts of the Apollo flights. This collection comprises of a large collection of signed photographs (mostly signed by auto-pen), letters, envelopes and correspondance with NASA. Among the many (auto-)pen signed photographs and other documents are those of Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans, Alan. L. Bean, James A. Lovell Jr., William A. Anders, Alan B. Shepard, Edgar D. Mitchell, Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. (Buzz) Aldrin, etc. as well as many cosmonauts. The collection was started at the time of the Apollo missions and Nelly eagerly wrote to all individuals involved at the time and was thus a well known figure in USA and Russia, recieving warm replies. The whole collection contained in 4 large binders along with a collection of newspaper articles and related material. An important collection that should stay together and well worth viewing!
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00
23 Jan 2023 08:00:00
14 Feb 2023 18:00:00
2 Bieter
5 Folgers
292 Seitenaufrufe

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