Los 5076

Los 5076
Los 5076 (2)Los 5076 (3)Los 5076 (4)Los 5076 (5)Los 5076 (6)Los 5076 (7)Los 5076 (8)
WWI-Interbellum, beautiful grouping of medals and documents awarded to Engine room artificer ‘J.P. Chirgwin’. Medal bar consisting of 1914-15 Star, marked on reverse ‘271993. J.P. Chirgwin, E.R.A.3 R.N’, British War Medal, marked in rim ‘271993. J.P. Chirgwin, E.R.A.2 R.N’, Victory Medal, marked in rim ‘271993. J.P. Chirgwin, E.R.A.2 R.N’, Meritorious Service Medal, marked in rim ‘271993. J.P. Chirgwin, E.R.A.2CL. “Valorous” Baltic 1919’ and Naval Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, marked in rim ‘271993. J.P. Chirgwin, E.R.A.1 H.M.S. King George V’. Engine room artificer J.P. Chirgwin served on various ships during and after WWI, including the M28, which was sunk on January 20th 1918 during the battle of Imbros. He also served on HMS Valorous, in 1919 this ship was involved in the Russian Civil War during which a Bolshevik submarine attempted to attack, in retaliation the submarine was attacked with depth charges and severely damaged. In 1923-1924 whilst sailing on the HSM Dauntless, Chirgwin was part of the cruise of the Special Service Squadron, sailing around the world on the Empire Cruise. The medal bar is accompanied by a large amount of letters, pictures and documents, covering Chirgwin's naval career. A fine addition to every collection
Einstiegspreis: € 400,00
23 Jan 2023 08:00:00
16 Feb 2023 18:00:00
2 Bieter
1 Folgers
281 Seitenaufrufe

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