Los 2318

Los 2318
Los 2318 (2)Los 2318 (3)
Netherlands - Coin weight box by Jacob Mastenbroek (Amsterdam, ijkmeester 1745-1776) - wooden box 135x68x23 mm with ornamented brass closure; hand colored label with 13 images of coin weights, a cartouche with text under the Amsterdam coat of arms and a hand; an iron balance with tin-plated brass scales; seven compartments (some used twice) with a total of 12 unmarked brass coin weights, a brass lever pin and a grain compartment without slide; in good condition (some rust on the balance arm) - rare - NB The weights do not all correspond to the hand written legends at the compartments (instead of the dukaton and the half pistol there are a Spanish ducat and a Souvereign) but are all of the same manufacture and the content may have been compiled to the buyer's wishes.
Einstiegspreis: € 500,00
17 Okt 2022 18:00:00
14 Nov 2022 18:00:00
1 Bieter
2 Folgers
298 Seitenaufrufe

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