Los 329

Los 329
AE Double doit 1790 (1840-43) - Obv. Shield of the town Utrecht with lion supporters / rev.: VOC-monogram with small star above, below 1790. Medaille slag. Dia 25 mm. Note: The coin differs from the usual double doits, as both the VOC-mongram and the Coat of Arms are larger and touches the collar of the rim, the star above the monogram is smaller and also the 9 in the date differs from similar digits as seen on other specimen. Despite that it is known that a large number of counterfeits of this coin type exist, the overall workmanship of this piece indicates that it, most likely, must have been produced at an official mint (either Utrecht or Surabaya), presumably as a trial or test piece. Not listed by Scholten, nor Passon - VF/XF - Rare
Einstiegspreis: € 100,00
17 Okt 2022 18:00:00
13 Nov 2022 18:00:00
1 Bieter
3 Folgers
294 Seitenaufrufe

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