Los 6792

Los 6792
Zodiac Rupee Taurus (month: Ardibihisht), mint: Ahmadabad, date: AH1027/Ry13 (KM.150.5) - Very rare and therefore, despite only in VG-F condition, still very much in demand. _x000D_ Beginning April 1618 (Julian calendar), Jahangir entered in his diary an innovation in coinage “Prior to this, it has been the rule that one side of gold coins my name has been engraved, and on the other side the name of the minting place, the month, and the regnal year. Around this time it occurred to me that instead of the month a figure of the constellation representing the month should be depicted. For example, for the month of Farwardin a figure of Aries could be made, and for the month of Ardibihisht the figure of Taurus, and so on for every month in which a coin was minted one side would bear a picture of the constellation in which the sun rose. This method is peculiarly my own and has never been used before.” (The Jahangirnama)
Einstiegspreis: € 500,00
17 Okt 2022 18:00:00
17 Nov 2022 18:00:00
0 Bieter
2 Folgers
187 Seitenaufrufe

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