Los 3042

Los 3042
Los 3042 (2)Los 3042 (3)Los 3042 (4)Los 3042 (5)Los 3042 (6)Los 3042 (7)
Original unit marked US Airborne T-5 parachute harnass, with reserve chute chest pack, the main parachute is made by: "Pioneer Parachute Co." and marked on one of the risers with "G.V.M." what stands for "George van Horn Moseley" commanding officers of the 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne Division, it was common practice that equipment was marked with the initials of the commanding officer prior to D-day, harnass is complete with backpack, all hardware, backpanel with static line, but without canopy, the reserve pack is made by "Reliance Mfg. Co.", dated "12 October 1944", complete with pull handl eand elastics, without canopy, both pieces in nice condition and rare to find a unit specific one
Einstiegspreis: € 2000,00
19 Feb 2024 08:00
23 Mär 2024 08:00
23 Mär 2024 09:30
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