Los 7544

Los 7544
Audumbara, Mahadeva (ca. 150-130 BC) - AR Drachm (2.20 g.) - Obv: "Bhagavata-mahadevasa rajaraja" in Brahmi, Elephant standing left holding a twig or branch of a tree, trident with discus on shaft / Rev: "Bhagavata-mahadevasa rajarana" in Kharoshthi, bull standing right; lotus flower in front and Yonipitha above bull. (2nd known specimen of this variety with Yonipitha and assumed to be the earliest representation of this Shaivite symbol on coins or art) - XF, extremely rare for type (Handa, Tribal Coins of Ancient India (2007) Variëteit. C, pl. LXXIV.5; MIG 590; MACW 4437; Hoover 829; ZENO 218240)
Einstiegspreis: € 400,00
22 Apr 2019 09:00:00
17 Mai 2019 13:00:00
2 Bieter
4 Folgers
304 Seitenaufrufe

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