Los 46

Los 46
Kingdom of Macedonia - Alexander III (336-323 BC) - AR Tetradrachm in the name and types of Alexander III (time of Antigonos I Monophthalmos – Lysimachos, ca. 310-290 BC, 16.54 gm.) - Head of Heracles right, wearing lion’s skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left with astragalos in left field (unpublished) – a.XF / appealing coin / RRR – this seems to be the 2nd known piece (see CNG 42, 254 and 91, 144, same dies). Formerly this coin was assumably attributed to an issue of Selge, Pisidia (according to the astragaloi on these coins) but there is no known mintage of Alexander coins in Selge. Therefore (and also regarding the style) some (including CNG) believe that this coin was probably struck somewhere in a western mint in Asia Minor.
Einstiegspreis: € 1400,00
29 Okt 2013 09:14:10
20 Nov 2013 18:00:00
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