Los 2888

Los 2888
Double Stiver of tin, 1783, Galle - cast and modelled from a copper 2 Stiver. Obv. Company's monogram surmounted by G (Galle) and value / Rev. Below date in Sinhalese I(stribi) 2 (2 Stivers). The weight (29.20 g.) is slightly heavier as the similar copper specimen and compares favourably to the double weight of the tin doit of 1782 (Scho.1310). Scholten lists a tin double Stiver 1783 for Jaffna (Scho. 1333). This coin shows an old patina and is most likely a contemporary cast and as there was no financial advantage to counterfeit such coins, it therefore may be an experimental issue for a tin coinage of similar value as the double Stiver or 8 salli, similar as was done in Jaffna. Type as Scho. 1334c - VF
Einstiegspreis: € 150,00
21 Okt 2016 15:00:00
15 Nov 2016 10:00:00
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