Los 919

Los 919
AR Abbasi AH1067, Yerevan, of Shah Abbas II (1642-66) with countermark VOC/C (Scho.1285e) - By the placard of 23 October 1660, no foreign silver or copper coins, were allowed in circulation after 8 November 1660, except those marked by the Company. Accordingly all foreign coins like this silver Abbasi, were countermarked in Colombo to allow them to circulate in the Island. The Abbasi circulated at 18 stivers. On the 16th January 1691, Abbasis and Mahmudis were demonetised and declared bullion. By placard of 8 February 1702, all Persian money was declared illegal on the Island and Tuticorin (which was then under the Ceylon administration) - Host coin (7.30 g.) good VF, c/m good VF, very rare
Einstiegspreis: € 300,00
18 Okt 2019 17:00:00
11 Nov 2019 18:00:00
2 Bieter
1 Folgers
631 Seitenaufrufe

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