Los 7152

Los 7152
Medallic AR ½ rupee 1945, Thakore Shri Pradyumansinhji, 1940 – 1973, (KM X1a). Obv.: Coat of Arms of Rajkot state: Deer over crescent, flanked by tridents, date below, State motto on Crescent: "Ranje Dharmi Praja Raja" (Duty of the king is to serve his people) RAJKOT / 1945. Rev.: Sunrise over water, RAJKOT STATE above. UNC It was during Pradyumansinhji’s reign that the dies were made and used in 1945 to strike medallic coins in gold and silver to be used in the wedding ceremony of the princess of Rajkot, Rajkumari Shri Kanakkunvariba Sahiba who got married to Madaneshwar Saran Singh Deo, Maharaja of Surguja. The wedding ceremony took place at the Ranjit Villas Palace, Rajkot, on 29th January 1945. It was for this occasion that the medallic coins in gold and silver were struck. Comparison with the original dies preserved in the Ranjit Villas Palace, Rajkot, confirms that this coin is an original striking.
Einstiegspreis: € 50,00
15 Okt 2021 15:00:00
18 Nov 2021 18:00:00
2 Bieter
0 Folgers
324 Seitenaufrufe

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