# 2249
A nice collection of man-made artefacts originating from the Paleolithic and Neolithic period (until 2000 BC) including (with documents) a nice Neolithic stone Axe from Niger (c. 11,5 cm., 6000-4000 BC), a Paleolithic hand Axe from Essex (c. 9,5 cm., 30.000 BC), another Paleolithic Axe from the Western Sahara (c. 13,5 cm., 120.000-45.000 BC), a nice Neolithical oval disk Scraper from Niger (c. 7 cm., 6000-4000 BC), a North African Neolithic scraper (c. 8,1 cm., c. 8000-2000 BC), 3 Neolithic Arrowheads from North Africa (c. 2 cm. each, 8000-2000 BC) – the rest of this collection comes without documents so it is worth a study, containing: c. 8 (hand) Axes, mainly Paleolithical, c. 4 spearheads, c. 16 arrowheads (mainly North Africa Neolith.), 2 small Paleolit. hand Axes and c. 8 scrapers (Paleo- and Neolith.) – added some other artefacts and some fossis like some weights, a coprolite (‘Dinosaur poop’), a few other fossils etc. Nice group for the collector, please view!
Inzet: € 150,00