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Kavel 15
A Chinese porcelain 'Herring dish' decorated in underglaze blue for the Dutch market, of rectangular shape with notched corners, the centre painted with a herring beneath a row of demi–peony-heads interlaced with scrollwork suspending from a cell-pattern band around the everted rim., China, Qianlong period (1736-1795) -24 x 14 cm, very small glaze frit to the rim-. A pair of “single herring dishes”, from the Hodroff Collection, is illustrated by D.S. Howard in 'The Choice of the Private Trader', London, 1994, page 131, catalogue entry 136. Another dish is presently in the collection of the Gemeente Museum in the Hague and published in: C.J.A. Jörg, 'Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade', Martinus Nijhoff, 1982, page 179, figure 89. For a 'single herring dish' and a comparison with the Dutch Delft original, see: David S. Howard and John Ayers, 'China for the West, Chinese Porcelain & other Decorative Arts for Export Illustrated from the Mottahedeh Collection', Sotheby’s, 1978, volume I, page 84, plate 42. According to Jörg in Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade (1982, p.179), the Dutch East India Company (V.O.C.) made two versions of these Chine de Commande porcelain dishes which were based on 18th century Dutch Delft pottery. The V.O.C. requirements of 1773 included Herring Dishes of two sizes. A narrower type (14cm) for single Herring was made, as well as the double Herring Dishes like the present example (17cm). In 1753, 92 narrow and 66 wide examples were shipped to Amsterdam on the Roozenburg, in 1773, 223 narrow and 216 wide and in 1776 203 small and 203 large were sent. Provenance: From the Kwakkelstein family, Vlaardingen. The Kwakkelsteins were an important family of herring fishermen going back many generations.
Inzet: € 500,00
Paginavan 88

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