Kavel 1207

Kavel 1207
Kavel 1207 (2)Kavel 1207 (3)Kavel 1207 (4)
18th century, lot of various documents from around 1780, most notably, is a written recording about the battle of the city of "Aardenburg, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen", which happened 100 years prior to the document, its talking about battles, French cavalry, also a handwritten copy of a newspaper about the same battle, also included a litle book with verses in which the battle is also mentioned, all writen by someone who lived in the city, also some books with very nice drawings, all from 1 family, interesting historical documents about less known battles in the Netherlands, should be viewed for better understanding of contents
Inzet: € 50,00
19 feb 2024 08:00
22 mrt 2024 08:00
22 mrt 2024 10:00
6 bieders
8 volgers
456 keer bekeken

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